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How does memory work in the brain?
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We remember through Acoustic Encoding

Auditory stimuli are a common method of encoding memories.

The Argument

Acoustic encoding is our brain processing and encoding sounds. We hear something and it is processed into our memory based upon the sound we hear. Sound is one of the most common forms in which humans receive stimuli, and subsequently one of the most important encoding processes. When we sing along to the lyrics of a song, we are recalling information entered into our memory through acoustic encoding. Acoustic encoding is utilized as a technique when rhymes or songs are created to help memorize information, such as the alphabet song.[1]

Counter arguments

Acoustic encoding is not very important to our memories. Although it can be used sometimes, we remember other aspects much more often than sound. Taking in a scene of information, one is much more likely to remember the visual information or the meaning of the scene than how it sounded. Semantic and visual encoding are much more integral parts to our memory processes.



[P1] Most humans receive a constant stream of auditory information through their ears. [P2] Sounds and hearing are often utilized as a memorization technique. [P3] Acoustic encoding is critical to how our memories work.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P2] Other senses, like sight, are more important in encoding memories.


This page was last edited on Saturday, 22 Aug 2020 at 10:02 UTC

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