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What are the solutions to the Israel Palestine conflict?
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A one-state solution has agreeable to demands on both sides

The Palestinians want to access and control the entirety of Israel, and Israel wants to be the sole policy determinant in the 'state'. Where both Palestinians and Israelis are voters and equal citizens, both autonomy and access are provided to all peoples.

The Argument

If both Palestinians and Israelis make concessions to one another, equal rights are preserved and citizenship is granted to all, then it is likely that a one-state solution will resolve the conflict. Palestinian demands for a one-state solution include the granting of Israeli citizenship, equal voting rights, and equal representation in the Knesset. Israeli demands for a one-state solution include security considerations in Gaza and retaining an ethnic majority. A plan for a one-state solution in which both sides agree on a policy that is favorable to Palestinians and Israelis requires a significant amount of participation and compromise. Currently, the interests of the Palestinian people are represented by the Palestinian Authority and their president Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas also chairs the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) which recently broke off all diplomatic ties with the United States following the decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. The U.S. has been a key third party in peace negotiations. Any one-state solution would require cooperation from the PLO, which now seems vastly more difficult to obtain. In a way, the current reality on the ground in Israel and Palestinian territory already constitutes a one-state solution. The region shares highways, the electric grid, and even recognizes international borders. But, while the physical situation may appear as a one-state solution, the social and cultural situation is far different and resembles anything but one state. [1]

Counter arguments

A one-state solution could mean Israeli domination in the region. Palestinians could be forcibly removed from Gaza and the West Bank. [2]



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Thursday, 17 Sep 2020 at 07:17 UTC

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