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What are theories of deviance and crime?
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The biological theory of crime

The Biological Theory of crime indicates that criminals were simply born criminals, and that physical biological factors defined whether a person would be a criminal or not.

The Argument

The Biological Theory of crime is based on the concept that criminals were born to be criminals biologically. This theory was backed in the 1800’s by a prison doctor named Cesare Lombroso. Lombroso believed that criminals' brains were not fully developed or developed wrong. Lombroso noted that many prisoners had similar characteristics, such as long sloping foreheads and small chins that were pushed back in their heads[1]. This theory has since changed and grown over the years to encompass biochemical and neurological research. Much of the recent biological crime theory research being done is focusing on the prefrontal cortex, neurotransmitters, and how hormones can change moods and cause criminal behavior[2].

Counter arguments

The main argument against this theory is that it identifies a biological difference in criminals and non-criminals[3]. As of right now, there has been no evidence of a biological attribute that only people who have committed crimes have. Also, this theory ignores the many societal and environmental situations that may surround an individual and cause them to commit crimes.



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Monday, 9 Nov 2020 at 07:52 UTC

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