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Do childhood experiences determine behavior in later life?
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Childhood trauma often results in irregular behavior and interpersonal difficulties in adults

Childhood trauma can have lifelong effects on the mental and emotional health of a person as they grow into adulthood. This kind of childhood experience can absolutely have negative impacts on an adult’s decisions later in life.

The Argument

There have been countless studies done on childhood development and how it impacts a person later in life, and there is no doubt that childhood trauma sticks with a person, and subsequently their behavioral patterns, throughout their lifetime. Not only can trauma sometimes lead to feelings of victimhood as an adult, but it can increase the likelihood of experiencing depression and feelings of low self-esteem; many survivors of childhood trauma find themselves in toxic relationships later on in life.[1] Not only does trauma and abuse influence these interpersonal behaviors, but it can also lead to physical health problems well into adulthood, such as eating disorders and higher likelihood of engaging in drug abuse and alcohol abuse.[2] To say that childhood trauma has no impact on how a person behaves throughout their lifetime is to ignore all of the scientific studies done over recent decades that conclude otherwise. [3]

Counter arguments

Childhood trauma can have extremely harmful effects, but there is no evidence to suggest that children, and inevitably adults, are incapable of overcoming those effects through conscious choices. With therapy and other treatments, adults are fully capable of refusing to allow their past trauma affect their lives in the present. To say otherwise is to remove all autonomy from an individual and doom them to relive their past on a continuous loop. [4]



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Sunday, 27 Sep 2020 at 18:55 UTC

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