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How does the Northern Artistic Renaissance differ from the Italian Artistic Renaissance?
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Frescoes were widely popular

The climate in Italy during the Art Renaissance was hot and humid. This meant that painting on fresco, which is wet plaster, was the easiest method. The wet plaster, after it dried and hardened, gave paintings a pastel look with a chunky, 3-dimensional texture.

The Argument

The art in Italy was very public during the Renaissance. Paintings were large and vast, and with the hot humid climate of Italy, frescos were the best option for artists. [1] The process of fresco painting included putting wet plaster on a flat surface and quickly painting with tempera before the plaster dried. [1]The process was very slow because the artist had to work in very small chunks to get in as much detail before the section dried. [1] The great feature about frescos was their durability. [2] Dried fresco is very resilient and lasts a very long time, which is why the majority of Italian murals from the Renaissance have survived throughout time. [3] Frescos took many years to complete and a lot of practice for artists to perfect. Thankfully, frescoes' durability lets them last many years as well.

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This page was last edited on Thursday, 15 Oct 2020 at 08:29 UTC

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