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Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?
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Conspiracy Believers often demonstrate psychological problems

Research has found believers suffer from paranoia, narcissism, and projection fantasies
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The Argument

According to research, people who believe in conspiracy theories are more likely to show personality traits such as distrust, Machiavellianism, and low agreeability. Machiavellianism refers to when a person is more interested in pushing their agenda forward by manipulative and deceitful behavior. Low agreeability refers to an individual's uncooperative and undependable traits. Consipracy theories are beliefs based on paranoia and fear, and not based on evidence or facts. [1] Negative beliefs or a sense of alienation can lead to one acting on their dangerous behaviors, such as the perpetrators of the Pittsburgh shooting and the pizzeria attack. Although theories are not weapons, a firm belief in them can cause one to act in a violent, weaponized manner. People who do not believe in vaccines because of some conspiracy theories are likely to put entire communities at risk. [2]

Counter arguments

Many conspiracy theories have been proven to be accurate, which unburdens the believers from the stereotype of having psychological problems. For instance, the conspiracy that the government is spying on their citizens was proven correct in 2016, when the government sent requests for user data to Facebook, Apple, and Google. [3]



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Sunday, 20 Sep 2020 at 14:28 UTC

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