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What are the pros and cons of democracy?
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Democracy creates a sense of identity and patriotism

When people come together to vote or to protest, they are doing so in the spirit of a shared heritage, identity, and democracy. People in a democracy have a strong sense of national pride, and those who share similar values and opinions rally together to make sure their nation stands tall.
Democracy Identity Patriotism


Democracy was first imagineered in ancient Greece by the leader of Athens, Cleisthenes, as a way in which the people could rule instead of being ruled. Equality was at the heart of the philosophy of democracy, and a new form of government took shape which would forever change the world. It was seen as the fairest and most ethical way to govern a nation and its people. For many centuries, democracy has become widespread among developed nations, being both promoted peacefully and by force. But today the debate rages as to whether or not democracy is really the golden form of government that it has long been made out to be. Does democracy really work? Do the pros outweigh the cons, or is democracy an inefficient and fallible system? With the tumultuous 2020 U.S. presidential election nearing the boiling point, this question is being asked now more than ever: What are the pros and cons of democracy?

The Argument

People in a democracy show patriotism by being devoted to the betterment of their countries. In a democracy, people with similar values, beliefs, and views will come together to make a difference in their country, because a democracy grants them the freedom to do so. They will form political groups, fight for social justice, and stage peaceful protests all in the name of democracy, freedom, fairness, and equality for all. Democracy creates a sense of pride in one's political values.[1] People identify with others who share their same values, and they form political groups with very specific purposes. Groups such as Black Lives Matter and the LGBTQ+ community share a sense of identity with one another, and together they fight for what they believe in. They are proud to be a part of their communities, to stage peaceful protests and fight for social justice by taking their fights to the government. Only in a democracy do people have the freedom to do this. Patriotism means to love and devote oneself to one's country.[2] People love their democracies because of the freedoms they enjoy, the identities they've created, and the bonds that they share. This is why democracies promote such a strong sense of patriotism, and why it is one of the best forms of government there is.

Counter arguments

Democracy isn't the only form of government in which a people are proud of their political views and allegiances. To claim that democracy is the only reason for this is inaccurate. In fact, many people in a communist society--for example--are very happy and thrive under this form of government. Suzanna Clark, a British citizen who grew up in communist Hungary, recalls her life there: “But perhaps the best thing of all was the overriding sense of camaraderie, a spirit lacking in my adopted Britain and, indeed, whenever I go back to Hungary today. People trusted one another, and what we had we shared."[3] Political groups, fights for social justice, and peaceful protests may be allowed in democracies, but that doesn't always mean that the people's voices will be heard. One grim and unforgivable example is that, despite the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, black people in America are still being killed by police at an alarming rate.[4] Democracy fails when the government refuses to listen to the people, and their failure to respond to this crisis and stop the killings is a chilling example of why democracy doesn't bring the change that it promises. In contrast, people living under communism seem to experience less violent crime than in America because their government takes care of them;[3] as opposed to under America's democracy, where the government not only doesn't get involved, but it doesn't seem to care. It is no wonder that the people have lost faith in democracy.[5] How can one be proud of a nation that allows its people to suffer and die? People with similar views do come together, and they do fight for change and for justice. But it isn't because democracy is their savior; it's because democracy is failing.



[P1] People in a democracy are proud of their political views and allegiances. [P2] Democracy allows the freedom for people with the same views to come together and form political groups, fight for social justice, and stage peaceful protests. [P3] Democracy promotes a strong sense of patriotism and identity.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P1] People in any form of government are proud of their political views and allegiances. [Rejecting P2] Democracy may allow for people with the same views to come together, but that doesn't always mean that they will be listened to or that things will change. [Rejecting P3] People in America have become disgruntled with democracy because they have lost faith in it.


This page was last edited on Wednesday, 11 Nov 2020 at 16:09 UTC

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