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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for race relations?
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Donald Trump has improved and will continue to improve the social and economic status of minority groups

In his first term as president, Trump created jobs, introduced criminal justice and tax reforms that benefitted minority groups. He will implement further similar measures if elected for a second term.

The Argument

In his first term as president, Donald Trump achieved record low unemployment levels for Black Americans (5.4%) in 2019[1] - Trump has also released his Platinum Plan, which outlines his intentions to create 3 million new jobs for the Black community and heavily invest in Black-owned businesses.[2] Trump believes that the best way to reduce racial tensions is to strengthen the economy so that all Americans can prosper - he wants to ensure that everyone can achieve the American Dream.[2] In office, he signed the First Step Act into law, which reduced sentences for those given mandatory minimum sentences and supported reintegration to society.[3] Trump also signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017 which set up ‘opportunity zones’ in high-poverty areas, including many with large populations of colour, that provided tax incentives to invest in these areas and communities.[3] He also secured historic levels of long-term funding for colleges, universities and other institutions that largely serve communities of colour. Trump’s record in office and second term plans show a commitment to improving the economic status of people of colour. This will improve their wellbeing, which will lead to an easing of racial tensions.

Counter arguments

This argument assumes that economic inequality is responsible for the racial tensions, but it is only one part of the story. Inequality and discrimination in the criminal justice system, the health care system and in the media are also drivers that cannot be solved by economic measures alone. Trump’s actions in office to improve economic prospects for racial minorities have not succeeded in easing tensions. The First Step Act and Tax Cuts and Jobs Act did not prevent the wave of unrest in 2020 and between 2016 and 2018, hate crimes against Latinos rose by 41%, whilst those against Jews and Muslims also increased.[3]



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Friday, 16 Oct 2020 at 08:37 UTC

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