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Does Esports have a legitimate claim to being a sport?
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Esports is recognised as a sport in multiple countries

The United States, South Korea, and Poland are all countries which recognise Esports as a sport or sport-like. If governing bodies recognise it as a legitimate sport, then it must be true.
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The Argument

There is no international standard classification of Esports, however, many countries class Esports as a legitimate sport or sport-like. In Poland, Esports (along with other 'intellectual sports' such as chess and bridge) is classed as a sport, meaning Esports athletes are afforded better financing, better sponsorship and marketing deals, scholarships, and tax exemptions for championship prizes.[1] In the United States, professional gamers can obtain P-1 visas, which are given to athletes, and in South Korea, the Korea e-Sports Association (KeSPA) is recognized by the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee, which regulates an athlete's amateur and professional status.[2] Esports can therefore be considered a legitimate sport as it is classified and treated as one by multiple governing bodies.

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