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Are Olympics an overall good or bad for the cities where they are hosted?
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The Olympics are an excellent tourism opportunity

Tourism brought by the Games creates an influx of visitors during a host year and often maintains a trickle-down effect in the years to come.

The Argument

There is arguably no larger international stage than the Olympic Games. To even bid, let alone host, draws unprecedented attention to a country in a positive light. If the games are held and marketed the right way, cities can use the Olympic Games as an opportunity to promote themselves. Following the 1992 Barcelona Summer Olympics, the city became revitalized and transformed from an “industrial backwater” to a desirable tourist destination, a legacy that continues to this day.[1] Sydney, after holding a successful game in 2000, increased its tourism and prestige due to their excellent organization. The 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Games had a global audience of five billion broadcasted in 200 countries.[2] As they were the first games held in the country, it shared Brazilian culture at an unparalleled level. Furthermore, the games set a tourism record with 6.6 million foreign tourists.[3] Cities like PyeongChang, which hosted the most recent Winter Games in 2018, brought millions of people to a city previously largely unknown on an international scale.[4] Tourism brought by the games creates an influx during the host year and often maintains a trickle-down effect in the years to come.

Counter arguments

While the Olympics Games are inarguably an international draw, it does not outweigh the concerns this type of tourism brings. Often, these tourists are uninterested in the local culture. For instance, during the 2012 London Games, attendance at the city’s famous theaters sharply declined and for the 2008 games in Beijing, hotel bookings overall declined.[5] It is not enough to consider tourism at large; the type of tourist is also important. Sports fanatics are far less preferable to respectful, culturally sensitive visitors.



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Monday, 26 Oct 2020 at 15:36 UTC

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