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Should Mail-In ballots be banned in the 2020 US Elections?
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Foreign countries will sway US elections with counterfeit ballots

Both Attorney General William Barr and President Trump claim foreign adversaries will take advantage of an increase in mail-in voting by printing counterfeit ballots to commit fraud on a massive scale and skew the election.
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The Argument

Critics of vote-by-mail worry that it will lead to foreign countries swaying US elections with counterfeit ballots. Attorney General William Barr said during a House Judiciary Committee that mail-in voting could lead to foreign countries swaying US elections with counterfeit ballots. Though he admitted that there was no evidence, he claimed the possibility exists. This was then echoed by Donald Trump’s Twitter where he claimed foreign powers would "print millions of ballots" and "it will be the scandal of our times!" The US has never had an election with the scale of mail-in voting which is expected in 2020, and therefore this is an unknown which worries many people suspicious of mail-in voting.

Counter arguments

Attorney General Barr himself admitted he has no evidence to back the claim that foreign powers will take advantage of an increase in mail-in voting to sway the election.


Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Wednesday, 5 Aug 2020 at 16:41 UTC

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