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Should after-school detention be banned?
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Teachers should act as educators, not disciplinarians for their students

Schools are overstepping in their attempts to keep kids in line; schools should only be disciplining students for things that occur in the classroom and the school day itself, rather than bleed out into a student’s everyday life.
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The Argument

Schools are built and designed as educational institutions. They do not act as juvenile detention centers, nor should they be a second home for students. If a student needs either of those things, a blanket “after-school detention” is not enough of a preventative tactic.[1] Schools can only hope to educate their students as best as possible and encourage them to be productive and contributing members of society. While teachers do need to have some form of effective punishment on hand to ensure cooperation in class, extending that punishment to after-school violates the boundaries of what an educational institution should look like. Punishments should be classroom-specific and discussed between a student and teacher, rather than applied generally to a group of misbehaving children.[2] It is important to maintain boundaries between disciplinarians and educators, or students (especially at-risk ones) may begin to confuse the two and resent their academic careers, impacting their future prospects.[3]

Counter arguments

It is unreasonable to expect teachers to be able to both teach and provide in-school detention. If misbehavior occurs within class, it must be dealt with after class to avoid further disruption. In addition, brainstorming new and effective forms of discipline, beyond detention, is another added pressure to put on teachers.



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Thursday, 12 Nov 2020 at 19:59 UTC