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Should sex education be taught in schools?
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Sex education reduces sexual guilt and anxiety

Many teenagers face enormous amounts of insecurity and anxiety surrounding sexuality, often leading to long term problems. This is largely caused by misinformation or lack of information about sex. Sex education could easily reduce this problem.
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The Argument

Sexual shame can generate inner-turmoil, anxiety, and stress. This can have a profound effect on self-esteem and sexual satisfaction throughout adulthood.[1] A lowered self-esteem is connected to psychological disorders like depression, paranoia, addiction, and sexual dissatisfaction, all serious issues which severely impact a person's quality of life.[2] Sex education significantly reduces this sexual guilt and anxiety, and also leads to more tolerant sexual attitudes,[3] ending the cycle of shame. This indicates that sex education is a vital component of long-term mental health, and should therefore be taught in school as a preventative measure for serious long-term mental health problems.

Counter arguments

Feelings of guilt towards nonmarital sex, homosexuality, use of contraception, and masturbation is an important part of some religions. In fact, the Catholic church forbids all of the above.[4] Teaching students not to feel shame about these things goes against their right to have a religious understanding of sexuality. Sexual guilt is the original contraceptive. Without it, society would collapse and unwanted pregnancy and STDs would be rampant.


Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Thursday, 7 Jan 2021 at 13:28 UTC

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