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Why do women live longer than men?
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Testosterone is to blame

High levels of testosterone increase several factors relating to poor health and deadly disease.
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The Argument

The most common theory about why women tend to outlive men is that of biological differences. The high levels of testosterone found in men tend to have serious long-term effects on overall health. Other issues, such as differences in fat storage contribute to overall poorer health in men. Men tend to have more 'visceral fat' which surrounds the organs, in comparison to subcutaneous fat, which is under the skin, more commonly seen in women. This visceral fat can have long-term effects on health issues such as cardiovascular disease.[1] Testosterone is responsible for physical strength in the short-term, but its long-term presence spells a whole host of issues for the male body, such as heart disease, infections, and cancer. In contrast, the higher levels of estrogen found in women work as somewhat of an antioxidant for the female body, which helps to prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease for much longer.[2][3][4]

Counter arguments

While it is a common theory, this is not a definitive explanation as to why men die younger than women. Higher levels of testosterone are completely normal in the male sex and do not necessarily mean that they are more likely to die than women. Statistics show that the number one cause of death in both men and women is heart disease, and the average age difference in death has not been proven to be due strictly to hormones. [5]



Rejecting the premises


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