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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the coronavirus pandemic?
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Donald Trump flattened the curve

The implementation of shutdowns and social-distancing across almost every US state succeeded in stopping the exponential spread of the virus in its early days.
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Inhibiting new infections to reduce the number of cases at any given time—known as "flattening the curve"—allows healthcare services to better manage the same volume of patients.

The Argument

At the outset of the virus, numerous lockdowns and social-distancing across almost every US state succeeded in stopping the exponential spread of the virus. In struggling states including New York, Michigan and Louisiana, the pandemic's growth curve was able to flatten at the beginning. What was a crisis in these hotspots has been controlled due to the Trump administration.[1]

Counter arguments

Outside of New York, Michigan and Louisiana, the rest of the US continued to see an overall rise in the infection rates in the virus' early days. States that had begun a partial reopening saw their number of cases increase the most compared to those that kept them in place.


Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Sunday, 11 Oct 2020 at 08:26 UTC

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