Does "Responsibility" make sense?

Responsibility is accrued when an individual is free. However, contemporary scholarship suggests that we are not, in fact, totally free. Neurological and psychological predispositions prevent us from having full control over our actions. Then, are humans able to truly possess responsibility?

No, we do not truly possess responsibility

Because we are subject to certain laws of nature, we do not possess the state of freedom necessary to possess responsibility.

People don't like taking responsibility for their priorities

Responsibility is a concept that describes taking care of work and life's priorities. Yet, people procrastinate and hate taking care of their work. If this is true, then does responsibility even make sense?

Yes, we do possess responsibility despite our biological constraints.

We still possess responsibility in other arenas of social life that are human-made.

The definition of responsibility

Responsibility does make sense as it plays such an essential role in everyday life. We have responsibility over our own affairs, such as maintaining employment, and the responsibility to look after others, such as the safety of children. Therefore, we do possess responsibility despite our biological constraints.

Responsibility gets things done by restricting people to complete their tasks and jobs in certain ways

Responsibility constrains people to follow certain rules in groups, communities, and society. Thanks to different responsibilities, society runs on the tasks done by its citizens efficiently and effectively, making people being away from laziness.
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