Why is Settlers of Catan so popular with millennials?

"Get off my land!" was once a cosmopolitan joke to poke fun at provincial life. And yet, nothing could now be further from the truth as millennials prefer to barter over wheat than rave all night. Why?

Millennials are notoriously lazy

What could be more appealing for the generation work shy than the opportunity to take over the world with minimal effort?

Evidence shows millennials have short attention spans

Research shows that millennials have extremely short attention spans. The game is great for that mental laziness because it's over quickly and doesn't require huge effort.

Players can achieve big ambitions with little input

The game allows players to feel like they are exerting high-level strategic skills to achieve lofty goals of world domination, without actually requiring them to think or do anything extraordinary.

Millennials don't like to party

Let's party like it's 1999, because there's no other way to get down and let loose.

Millennials are increasingly staying in

The death of nightlife culture, and the increasing number of young people choosing to stay in over partying, is driving this surge in board game popularity.

Catan is a great game

Millennials aren't alone in their love of this wildly popular and addictive board game. It's all in the game design.

Settlers of Catan has been internationally recognised

The game has garnered multiple international awards including the prestigious Spiel des Jahres and the Meeples' Choice Award.

Settlers of Catan uniquely engages players throughout

Unlike games where players have to wait for their turn to play, Catan allows people to engage with each other and the game start to finish, requiring constant strategy.

The appeal of the simple life

The 24 hour world can be difficult to navigate.

Millennials are increasingly moving away from the cities

The appeal in a game that glorifies agricultural production is linked to a wider millennial romanticism for rural life.
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