Are vaccines safe?

Immunisation is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. "Anti-vaxxers” have firm convictions about vaccines’ harmful effects and many people believe their children have been harmed by vaccines. Others have ‘vaccine hesistancy’: they are not inherently anti-vaccine, but are concerned or confused by the mixed messages they are exposed to and want to do the best for their children.

Vaccines are safe

Until the beginning of the 20th Century, infectious diseases were the most common cause of death. This is no longer the case because of the development of vaccines. The reality is that vaccines have saved countless lives.

Vaccines save millions of lives

Vaccines are one of the most effective and cost-effective public health measures to prevent disease. Immunisation programmes internationally have contributed significantly to the decline, and in some cases eradication, of infectious diseases.

Vaccines undergo extensive testing

Before any vaccine are made available they must pass many stringent safety tests.

"Safe" is a relative term

Vaccines are the safer option when confronted with a choice between leaving a child vulnerable to disease or vaccinating them.

Vaccines cause herd immunity

Vaccines protect those who haven't or can't been immunised through herd immunity.

Vaccines are unsafe

Big Pharma puts profit above safety, and promotes misinformation about the dangers of disease that our bodies are perfectly capable of fighting off without vaccinations.

The claim of a link between vaccines and autism

There is a persistent claim that vaccines can cause autism.

Vaccines aggravate existing illnesses

In some cases, vaccines have aggravated other underlying illnesses, with disastrous consequences.

Vaccines have side-effects

Some possible side effects of vaccine can be life-altering. Some have argued that while incredibly rare the causal link between vaccines and these side effects, mean that by vaccinating a person you risk causing them harm

Vaccines overwhelm the immune system

The immune system is not able to cope with the intravenous injection of multiple diseases at the same time.

Vaccines contain known neurotoxins

Several of the compounds in common vaccines are known neurotoxins.

The passing of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act suggests that vaccines are inherently unsafe

Why would US lawmakers pass an act to eliminate the financial liability of vaccine producers if vaccines are safe?

The link between vaccines and sudden death syndrome

Some claim vaccines are associated with sudden infant death syndrome.

We cannot say whether vaccines are safe

It is a fundamental right of parents to make decisions about their child’s welfare.

Witholding vaccines from some for a trial is unethical

We cannot know if vaccines are safe because the only way to test it would be through randomized control trials, which are deemed unethical.

Parents should choose whether to immunise their child

Compulsory immunisation leads to concerns about freedom of choice and personal autonomy.

Vaccine hesitant parents are alienated by society

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This page was last edited on Thursday, 5 Mar 2020 at 10:31 UTC