Was Nazi Germany built on consent or coercion of the population?

By 1934, Hitler considered the National Socialist revolution in Germany to be complete. Yet, although powerful in his own right, Hitler could not have executed such a successful ascent in Germany political life alone. Thus, was Hitler's successful rise and Nazi Germany's infamous future built on the consent or coercion of its citizens?


Nazis needed the consent of their citizens in order to implement their vision for German society.

The rule of the Nazis would not have been possible without the consent of its citizens

Instances of consent are deeply ingrained within the structure of Nazi German society, so much so that without it, the infrastructure of this community would crumble.


No one would have willingly consented to the Nazis' implementation of power, rather, the Nazis relied on the coercion of its citizens through a variety of methods.

The citizens of Germany were effectively forced into supporting Nazism

Examples of Nazi coercion are rampant throughout German society in the 1930s and 40s. Such occurrences only grew as the end of World War II approached.

Both coercion and consent

Only through a blend of both coercion and consent was the rise and rule of the Nazis so profoundly felt.

The successful rule of Nazis within Germany was due in part to initial consent, coercion only taking place later

Consent within the early days of the Nazis mixed with government-mandated programs that promoted intense instances of societal pressure created the perfect environment for Nazi rule.
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