What caused the French Revolution?

The French Revolution lasted 10 years, from 1789 to 1799. The Ancien Regime was overthrown in favor of a constitutional monarchy, and King Louis XVI's was executed. It eventually became the First French Republic.

The Enlightenment caused the French Revolution

The European movement presented society with an awakening of ideas, including God, reason, nature, and overall humanity. The movement allowed individuals to rationalize their role in government.

The Enlightenment inspired the French Revolution

The Enlightenment allowed everyone to question their worldview and overall existence. Eventually, this intellectual movement inspired French citizens to improve their conditions, leading to the French Revolution.

International affairs caused the French Revolution

France's involvement in foreign affairs led them to drain their economy, which led to an overall unhappy state.

France's international involvement led to debt

France's participation in the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution drained their financial resources, which led them to large amounts of debt, and eventually to the events that led to the French Revolution.

Social revolt caused the French Revolution

Tax raises, social inequality, and the overall economy led to discontent and eventually to the revolution.

The rise of the Third Estate caused the French Revolution

The French regime imposed heavy taxes on the Third Estate, the commoners, but exempted the clergy and nobles from taxes. The only taxpayers were the peasants, wage-earners, the professionals, and business people, known as the Third Estate.

The storming of the Bastille was the first violent act against the monarchy

The storming of the bastille was the first significant act of aggression by the revolutionaries against Louis XVI and the French Empire in the French Revolution.
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