What powers are vested in the Executive Branch?

The president holds both expressed powers, granted explicitly by the Constitution, and implied powers, which are not expressly stated but have been accepted as necessary to successfully defend the Constitution.

Executive Powers (Article II, Section 2 & 3)

Execute Law through organized Federal bureaucracy

15 executive departments organized by the executive (the Cabinet) carries out administration. Ultimately, it is the President's responsibility to execute and enforce laws created by Congress.

Appoint officers of the federal government, judiciary, and Ambassadors with Senate approval

The president may extend this power in nominating appointees. The president must, however, receive "advice and consent" from the senate in order to act on this power.

Executive privilege and issuance of executive orders

Executive orders can be drafted by the President to instruct the will of the Executive Branch. These orders have been utilized by Presidents since the birth of the nation.

Legislative Powers (Article II, Section 3)

Veto congressional legislation

The president may exercise his power to refuse approval or resolution of bills passed by Congress, but the branch's veto may be overturned by a 2/3's vote in both the Senate and House.

Deliver State of the Union Addresses

The State of the Union Address allows presidents to formally express their goals, wishes, and focuses for the year by formally addressing Congress during the occasion.

Convene and adjourn Congress

This power has been used to legislate anything from nominations to war declarations to emergency management. Not only can the president adjourn Congress in states of emergency, but this power may also be utilized to bring members to the table when chambers disagree on when to adjourn.

Judicial Powers (Article II, Section 2)

Grant pardons and reprieves

Not only can the President annually pardon turkeys on Thanksgiving, but the executive may pardon individuals for federal crimes. This power is not limitless, however.

Diplomatic and Military Powers (Article II, Section 2)

Receive ambassadors and other public ministers

This power allows the President adequate means to resemble the mouthpiece in which the US speaks to other nations. With this, the President can adequately advocate and communicate the needs of the nation.

Draft and enter into treaties with Senate Ratification

This power requires approval by the Senate, indicating this power demands bipartisanship. This allows for the senate to both advise the President on matters of national interest as well as to check the President's power.

Commander in Chief

The Constitution declares the President as Commander in Chief, but the verbiage is neither clear nor precise in defining the extent of the power. However, discussions between Congress and the Executive and various legislations have allowed for better navigation.
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