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Has the body positivity movement accomplished anything?
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Body positivity normalises obesity

Acceptance of different body shapes and sizes should not come with a trade off to health. The normalization of "plus size" is dangerous to the health of many and should not be celebrated.

The Argument

The body positivity movement has been advocating acceptance for decades, but should we accept all bodies unconditionally? Many people cannot help the way they look and we should accept them and make them feel included. But this becomes harder to argue when we see the increasing rates of obesity in the world. According to the World Health Organisation, obesity levels since 1975 have tripled worldwide. They calculate that, worldwide in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults (39% of the population) were overweight. Of these 650 million were obese[1]. All the while, a study researching people's perception of their body weight seem to indicate that from 1997 to 2015 adults in the UK increasingly likely to misjudge their own weight. This led to them being less likely to work on losing weight[2]. COVID-19 has only brought obesity statistics further into the spotlight. The CDC reports that obese patients are more likely to suffer severe symptoms, and are three times as likely to need hospitalisation[3]. Obesity is, in many cases preventable. Encouraging people to accept themselves without encouraging to take better care of themselves, as the body positivity movement sometimes does, seems irresponsible.

Counter arguments

The body positivity movement is trying to raise awareness of different body types, and giving people with little to no visibility in the media a voice, not encourage a lazy lifestyle. Many activists in the movement are people who have struggled to conform to the stereotypically beautiful body type and want to prove that being healthy does not mean being skinny[4].



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Friday, 20 Nov 2020 at 19:33 UTC

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