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What is dark matter?
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Dark matter is made of a combination of Baryonic and non-Baryonic material

Dark matter does not have to be one thing but can be a combination of particles including Baryonic and non-Baryonic matter.

The Argument

Dark matter may consist of several types of particles including Baryonic material like black holes and non-Baryonic materials like neutrinos and axions. Most likely, dark matter is a combination of various non-Baryonic materials. Potential candidates for dark matter include dim brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, and neutron stars. Black holes may also be part of the picture.[1] Dark matter may be able to interact with itself and produce a variety of dark matter products. Dark matter can diversify due to these interactions. Dark matter might have the same kind of diversity that normal matter has. The diversity of dark matter might even lead to the possibility of a whole dark life. The more varieties of matter that form as a result of dark matter colliding with itself will lead to the formation of new species and potentially, one of the species may possess living characteristics. This theory is similar to how normal matter collided on earth leading all the living things today. [2][3]

Counter arguments

Dark matter is composed of a single type of particle. While current research offers several possibilities for dark matter, more experimentation informs us on what dark matter is not and helps eliminate some of the theories scientists proposed. Research continues to narrow the possibilities and eventually there will be one type of dark matter. With time, scientists will become more certain of what dark matter is not which will get them closer to what it is exactly. [4]



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Sunday, 25 Oct 2020 at 21:59 UTC