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Is ADHD real?
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ADHD is not real

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ADHD is actually differing personality traits

By diagnosing children was ADHD, we are putting a label on children whose personalities are simply just different. Some children are quiet and shy, while others are more hyperactive and easily distracted. Society should be more accepting of differing personality traits, and stop labeling children as having a disorder.
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The Argument

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is often associated with “symptoms” such as restlessness, impulsiveness, problems focusing, etc. The stereotype of someone diagnosed with ADHD is someone is hyperactive and has trouble concentrating. These are all common traits seen in children, and even sometimes adults. These may be the common signs of ADHD, but whatever happened to different personality traits? If someone has high energy, isn’t it possible that they are just energetic person? Research shows that the signs and symptoms of ADHD can also vary depending on gender, with boys showing more “externalized” symptoms, while girls are more “internalized”. These externalized symptoms in boys include impulsivity and impatience, while girls are the opposite, with their symptoms including inattentiveness and low self-esteem.[1] How can the symptoms of ADHD differ depending on gender? The symptoms mentioned are seen in the majority of children, both male and female. These seem more like personality traits, not signs of ADHD. Nowadays, it seems doctors and health professionals are quick to diagnose children when it could just be natural behavior. Some children are more hyperactive than others, while some are more reserved and have difficulties focusing. Other factors can cause these behaviors in young children as well, such as anxiousness. ADHD can often be mistaken with different personality traits. Before a child is given a diagnosis, they should at least wait until their brains are more developed and more aware of their real personalities.

Counter arguments

The signs and symptoms of mental disorders and illnesses vary. One disorder may look like another condition. Yes, some symptoms can appear in everyone from time to time, but when it is for a prolonged period, and something that disrupts daily functioning, a diagnosis may be more effective. For example, the signs of depression are feelings of sadness, irritability, trouble concentrating, and sleep disruptions.[2] These are all things that everyone experiences from time to time, but saying that depression doesn’t exist just because “everyone feels that way sometimes” is harmful to individuals who have a real case.



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Tuesday, 10 Nov 2020 at 20:47 UTC

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