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What is the purpose of mythology?
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Myths are literally true

To the practitioners of many modern pagan religions, myths are far more than mere entertainment or metaphors. Rather, they are literal reflections of supernatural deities.
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The Argument

Most people attempting to explain the purpose of mythology mistakenly assume that these stories are mere fiction. Sure, some people concede that these ancient “fairy tales” can be metaphorically significant or culturally unifying, but few entertain the notion that the events described in myths actually happened. Despite this, many modern religions believe in the literal reality of the gods, goddesses, spirits, and monsters of ancient mythology. What some people consider myths, others consider literal reality that serves as the Scripture of their given religion. For instance, Hellenism, a polytheistic pagan religion, maintains that the Greek gods praised by ancient cultures still exist today and that as humans, our actions can win or lose their favor. Similarly, modern practitioners of Asatru believe in Norse gods and praise them with public ceremonies and private offerings. Native Americans from all over the country have held fast to their beliefs in deities revered in centuries-old myths. To all of these people, myths are far more than mere entertainment or metaphors. Rather, they are literal reflections of supernatural deities who interact with humans in significant (if often mysterious) ways.

Counter arguments

There is little to no evidential ground for any of these religions, all of which are based on archaic cultural lore. Besides, it is fallacious to argue that myths are accurate reflections of actual events simply because some people believe them to be so.



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Friday, 14 Aug 2020 at 01:57 UTC