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What will the future of work be?
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Businesses will continue to benefit from freelancers

Specialized skills and expertise, as well as cost-effectiveness, are among the top benefits of hiring freelancers. More and more businesses are increasing the rates at which they hire freelancers to complete the work they need to be done.

The Argument

The future of work will be more flexible because businesses will continue to benefit from and support freelancers. The gig economy is growing because companies and businesses have started to increase the rate at which they hire freelancers. They are quickly realizing that a lot of the work they need to be done does not require people to be at the physical workplace. In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, many companies are coming to the realization that hiring freelancers is more advantageous than originally presumed. Because of the pandemic, some companies have reduced time frames and resources to complete necessary tasks. While hiring full-time workers has been impossible for many because of the financial implications of the virus, the solution is found in hiring freelance workers.[1] As a result, companies are realizing they can get access to talented workers without placing them on payroll or accommodating them in the physical workplace. This system of hiring more freelancers will most likely continue on into the future, thus affecting the future of work. For leading companies like Google and ASOS, 50% of their workforce is made of freelancers in certain locations.[2] Companies are seeing the value in hiring flexible talent and often do to quickly grow their companies. Because freelancers are starting to be hired at unprecedented levels, the future of the workforce will be more flexible, straying away from traditional hiring methods.

Counter arguments

The future of work will not be more flexible because businesses are increasingly becoming aware of the disadvantages of hiring freelancers. Hiring more freelancers means there is an increase in the lack of supervision over employees. Given that most freelance work is done remotely, there is no way to know whether or not all of the hours the employer was billed for were spent doing productive work.[3] Without immediate supervision, freelancers may not be doing as much high-yielding work as full-time employees. Hiring freelancers also comes with an unpredictable quality of work.[3] Freelancers are usually hired quickly to complete a project that needs immediate attention. This often means there is no time for an extensive and thorough vetting process like usual. Moreover, freelancers will often have a lower investment in the companies they are working for due to the nature of freelance work. Statistically, almost all freelancers are working on multiple projects at the same time, meaning loyalty to the brand they are working for in a given moment is most likely lower than at a full-time company.[3] The future of work will be dominated by the traditional and conventional methods of work because of the weaknesses that hiring a freelancer invites to places of work.



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Thursday, 8 Oct 2020 at 02:34 UTC

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