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What lasting impact will COVID-19 have on the U.S. healthcare industry?
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Healthy living initiatives will be implemented in workplaces

Many Americans have grown aware of their lack of healthy living. In an effort to improve employee retention and increase worker productivity, many workplaces have begun to make wellness changes to their workspaces. They will become huge clients for the services offered by these wellness markets.
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The Argument

During the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all businesses, save essential businesses, mandated their employees to work from home. Research had previously shown that almost 25% to 35% of all Americans have sedentary lifestyles. [1] During quarantine, these percentages drastically increased and many people grew increasingly aware of the inactive lifestyle they led. The increase in sedentary lifestyles prompted companies to plan small but impactful changes to reinforce health and wellness for their workers. A common initiative is to provide free and healthy snacks to workers. 32% of all companies already do this but there is projected to be a sharp increase after the pandemic. [2] Also, many companies are planning on partnering with gyms or personal trainers to provide virtual or in-person exercise opportunities for their workers. Mental health has become an equally important initiative. Companies are providing safe spaces and personal counselors to all of their employees. Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has reoriented people's priorities towards personal health and wellbeing. Many companies are being responsible towards their employees' needs and finding different ways to ensure this.

Counter arguments

COVID-19 won't lead to a massive spike in wellness markets, particularly in workplaces because most offices are going to be online or remote. While employee health is a concern for companies, most will not institute wellness programs when they are financially hard hit and are just trying to stay afloat. They might provide more flexible hours or higher compensation but massive, systemic wellness initiatives are a very far fetched idea given their lack of practicality and the state of the economy.



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Tuesday, 8 Sep 2020 at 05:37 UTC