Parlia for Teaching

Parlia is the Encyclopedia of Opinion, designed to be used as a free tool for teaching, critical thinking and exploring the world of ideas. Parlia “maps” complex debates around core curriculum subjects and questions in a clear and concise format for students and educators.

Parlia’s mission is to end polarisation by showcasing all the opinions that exist around a subject. We promote healthy debate and logical reasoning that bring conversations to life and energise classroom discussions.

Our collaborations with educational institutions including the universities of Oxford, Liverpool and City, have helped us become a reliable and engaging online learning platform.

Use Parlia to help students understand complex issues quickly and easily. Teachers use our maps to:

– Teach complex subjects in a simple, digestible format

– Share as templates for classroom debates

– Supplement the core curriculum with engaging material and ideas from across the spectrum

– Show all the sides of any debate

Use Parlia to polish research skills and enrich engagement with any subject. Students use our maps to:

– Build Parlia maps out of essays…

…And build essays out of our maps

– Explore new ideas

– Learn how to structure arguments and write papers

– Discover key proponents, references, further reading and resources around their subject

– Develop writing skills and share their work with the Parlia global community

– See their work online and share with their friends and family

This page was last edited on Wednesday, 9 Sep 2020 at 15:10 UTC
