Does Atlantis exist?

Atlantis is an Island which features in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias. It is said to have existed about 9000 years before the birth of Solon. According to Plato, Atlantis was a successful and wealthy Island, eventually destroyed by its greed. Despite the broad acceptance that Atlantis is fictional, it has exerted a high level of influence on culture, history and conspiracy theories. Various locations have been touted as 'Atlantis', and many are keen to locate the legendary island.

Atlantis does not exist

The majority of historians and scientists do not believe Atlantis existed. They believe that Atlantis was created by Plato to illustrate how a society could herald its own downfall. He was not referring to any real historical or geographical event.

Atlantis does not exist

The legend that Atlantis is real was only popularised in the 19th Century by a writer named Ignatius Donnelly. His book on Atlantis spawned debate and discussion surrounding the legendary island. Today, the vast majority of historians and scientists are in agreement that Atlantis does not refer to a specific geographical location.

Atlantis does exist

Various islands have been touted as 'Atlantis' in the past century. Some explorers and historians have come up with 'proof' of their claims, which is for the reader to deliberate on. Two of the most popular locations frequently cited as being 'Atlantis' are Antarctica and Santorini.

Atlantis is Santorini

Some researchers believe that the destruction of Atlantis may refer to the destruction that occurred on Santorini, which decimated the successful Minoan civilisation.

Antarctica is Atlantis

It has been theorised that the city of Atlantis lies on Antarctica. According to some researchers, underneath the ice lie the remains of an Ancient Civilisation.

The historical-critical approach to Atlantis as a real place

Atlantis did exist, but it is wrong to read Plato's descriptions literally. The real place corresponds much closer to other known ancient civilizations.
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