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Why did Abraham Lincoln want to abolish slavery?
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Abraham Lincoln always viewed slavery as unjust

Abraham Lincoln viewed slavery as inhumane and unjust from the beginning of his life. His advocacy against slavery led to the passing of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13, 14, and 15th amendments.

The Argument

Abraham Lincoln viewed slavery as morally unjust and wrong from the beginning of his life. Abraham Lincoln worked alongside abolitionists to improve Black lives and abolish slavery. [1] In a three hour speech in 1854, Abraham Lincoln admonished slavery and opposed it legally, socially, and economically. [2] Lincoln avidly opposed slavery for the entirety of his life and took measured steps throughout his time as a lawyer and President to work with abolitionists against the institution of slavery. [3]

Counter arguments

Abraham Lincoln did not seek to end slavery during his term as President. Abraham Lincoln did not wish to alter the Constitution, which sanctioned slavery. [1]



Rejecting the premises


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