What are the positions on achieving net-zero carbon?

The term ‘net-zero carbon’ refers to a standard proposed by policymakers, climate scientists, and activists where emissions would be reduced to a sustainable level, preventing catastrophic climate change. Some countries have already set targets- yet the issue is one of global contention.

Net-zero carbon is possible with a measured, long-term approach

Though it requires careful planning and new legislation, net-zero carbon is a viable goal all nations should strive toward.

Renewable energy is the way foward

Solar, wind, and geothermal energy biofuels and biomass have taken an increasingly prominent role in powering nations such as the UK. As long as we upscale our use of them, the net-zero target will be in reach.

Changing attitudes are reason to be hopeful

An invigorated response on a local and international scale has revealed that the world is ready to take climate change seriously. With strong policy and leadership, we can expect to make a difference.

Net-zero is unachievable through current targets

Current projections do not bode well for carbon neutrality within the deadlines set. A change in expectations- and approach- is needed

The different approaches being employed are counter-productive

Net-zero will supposedly be achieved by cutting emissions of greenhouse gases while using ‘negative emissions technologies’ to take away residual emissions, but these two approaches risk not working in tandem- and NET’s have problems of their own.

Our dependency on fossil fuels will make net-zero impossible

Over a century's worth of fossil fuel consumption and a widely spread culture of industrial growth around the world means net-zero will require far more radical solutions than what is currently proposed. Our dependence on non-renewables is a tough habit to break.

Net-zero is not enough to prevent climate change

The refusal to act from many large nations will fatally restrict emission-cutting aims

Without a unanimous response on a global scale, net-zero is not viable. The issue is very much a diplomatic one.

Negative emission technologies are undeveloped

NETS are proposed as an essential means to reduce the build-up of greenhouse gasses and to meet the net-zero carbon goal. Yet they are still in the formative stage.
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